Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Good Day

Today, I had a good day alhamdulillah. And I want to share it with myself so that I inspire myself, reflect on what I did good, and keep it coming inshaAllah. 

I actually started the day with a mistake, authu billah.  I thought I had set my alarm for fajr, but I hadn't.  So I missed fajr.  And that's why I had some energy to get up at 8:30 when my daughters came a-visiting.  The shaytan is a powerful force. 

I got up with the little one, took her to the bathroom, and instead of coaxing her into bed with me, led her to the living room.  We put on an exercise video (which I haven't done in ages!) and she ate her cereal.  I took her out of her seat, dressed her, (while exercising, mind you!) and finished my video, alhamdulillah!!! That is something I have been meaning to start back up in so long. 

Actually, I forgot! I started my day with reading my verses for memorization from Surat al Naml.  Before I hit the Internet.  High five to myself!  Then exercise, alhamdulillah.

Then I sat her down for 10 minutes of Qur'an, and the story of Surat al Feel.  Then we did a little bit out of her tracing book.... Now I felt good that I had given her this personal time, she doesn't get enough of it with her older sister.  Than I set up her little cooking station and brought down my computer for Internet time. 

Other good things did today:
- I had an impromptu measuring lesson for Sumayya today.  She was throwing a ball, and I decided I'd teach her about measuring, and we'd measure how far she was throwing.  We brought out some rulers and measuring tape and had a quick lesson.  Then I let her measure a few things, and then throw her ball while Shifaa helped me spread out the measuring tape.  Then we took a few random toys, measured them, drew them, wrote down their length and then put them in order! Alhamdulillah, drawing, tracing, math, and fun all at the same time.  I'm happy when these ideas come to my mind, but they don't come often enough.

I also did an activity out of the Slow and Steady book for Sumayya's age (actually younger than Sum, older than Shifaa).  Both kids enjoyed it (the one where you walk on a string, foot to foot, and pick up the ball, return it in the same fashion and throw it into a basket). 

Kids are napping now... Time for GrowMama blog writing. 

alhamdulillah.  Ya Allah, give me energy always, and keep laziness away from me.

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