Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tariq Dahmas Passed Away

Allah yerhamuh.  Saif and Muhammed's close childhood friend passed away yesterday at the age of 34 years from a brain tumor that took over his body.  May Allah envelope him with his rahma ya rabb.  My heart goes out to his family, his wife, his parents, his siblings, his best friends and everyone who was touched by him.  I still hear his voice ringing in my ears from Saif's fone calls to him at random times, telling him of the latest prognosis.  Allah yerhamu.  He is now with his Creator. 


ma said...

Ameen ya 2r7am 2l 2r7ameen.

Edwin Chung said...

This is one search result I was hoping I would never find. I met Tariq when he was working with Agere at Allentown. A brilliant engineer with fantastic work ethics.

Fatima said...

Hi Edwin,
I'm so sorry for your loss. Tareq was an amazing mind, for all who knew him. if you want to contact anyone from his family, please let me know.
