Monday, October 11, 2010

Kids and Death

I'm not sure if I followed the right steps with giving my kids the full picture of death, but I let them visit my father in the hospital in his last days, and we let them kiss him good by when he was breathing his last breaths and looked so different than they ever knew him.  We let them say good bye after he'd been washed and was in his kafan.  We did not take them to the burial, but we took them with us yesterday when we visited his grave to say salaam.

They've said things that show they understand his passing, although they might not fully understand it.  Shifaa has said, 'Giddu can't move, he's lying in the box, under the ground, he can only hear us. I miss him, he bought me the video Al Jarra..." 

But today she said something that almost made me cry.  She told my brother, "Where are you going to sleep when Giddu comes back?"  She repeated it twice, not realizing that he isn't coming back.  Allah yirhamuh wa yijama3na beehi filjannah...

1 comment:

ma said...

Ameen. It was really sad but touching whenever she said things like that.