Sunday, February 12, 2012

Kid Cracks Me Up

Sumayya cracks me up sometimes. 
A couple of days ago, Anas and his brother in law were visiting.  Sumayya has started this new thing where she wears her scarf in front of men/schoolmates, etc.  So , she went upstairs to changer her clothes and a while later I see her strolling into the kitchen casually with her shirt, scarf and .... underwear.  nothing on her lower half but her underclothes.  Ummmmmm......
I freaked out and covered her up.  She has no concept of internal 3aybness.  So I looked at her and said, 'Sumayya, you have a scarf on , but no pants?'
She actually stopped and thought about that and said, 'Oh, yes.' 
Alhamdulillah that made some sense.

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