Monday, May 25, 2009

Parenting at Almost Four

Should not involve disciplining a rude kid. But already my almost four year old is testing me and trying me with her rude faces and retorts. I am at a loss to how to fix it. I have started disciplining her by taking away story time at night, and I'm not sure its working. She gets so upset when I do that, and cries her heart out and throws fits and fits, but I'm not sure it helps her act better the next day.

today was especially trying for me. I am exhausted by trying to get her to act right. Maybe I'm expecting too much? Maybe I'm caring about what others say about how she acts, and that's why I'm trying to control her behavior and actions? I used to let go, but now that she's older, I feel like ppl can only handle her so much b/c she's not a little 'cute' kid anymore. But if that's the case, that's wrong of me.
I need to be disciplining her for the right reason, not b/c of what others will say about her. But how do you get a kid to stop giving you nasty looks when they're upset, and retorting at you without slapping them? For the life of me, alhamdulillah, i've been able to keep that violence away, b/c i know its just my temper getting the best of me. but sometimes, oh how badly i want to slap those words out of her mouth or that look off of her face.

Ya rabbi, I ask you to help me raise this girl in the best of akhlaq. Forgive me if I treated my parents wrongly, and if this is my just punishment. Please forgive me, and lead these daughters of mine to the best of akhlaq so that you will be pleased with them and I can live with them.

what would make my daughter better?
I know if I had more fun with her, on a personal, playful level, she would probablylove me more and be so upset at upsetting me. maybe i need to do that, just play with her. instead of taking her places to play and thinking that's enough.

subhanaAllah. ya rabbi, sabbirnee 3layha.